I am a community of owners
Transform your income into profitable and safe capital
What Community of Owners does not dream of having enough money to not pay fees again for years, undertake the reforms and improvements that the property needs or distribute a good amount of money among the owners?
Forget about continuous compromised notifications from third-party companies dedicated to lowering owners’ rents, antenna removals and continuous negotiations.
Profitability and efficiency for your community
Sell your contract to Telecom Investment Partners and you will get a significant amount of money that will allow you to:
- Eliminate fees for years
- Pay for current and future reforms
- Make improvements to the property, increasing its value
- Forget about the problems of non-payments and delays
- Distribute the money obtained among the owners
- Have an economical mattress for any future needs
If your Community of Owners works with a Property Manager, inform them of the capitalization option and ask them to provide us with the necessary documentation to prepare an investment proposal for you. Your Administrator is a qualified professional who will advise you on the advantages of associating with Telecom Investment Partners.
Your testimonies are our greatest endorsement.
Are you a company? How can we help you?