In TIP We Accept Change: A Key Value of Modern Organizations

In TIP We Accept Change: A Key Value of Modern Organizations
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In a dynamically changing business world, the ability to adapt to new conditions and openness to new ideas have become some of the most important values for organizations. This value, referred to as “acceptance of change,” reflects an organization’s readiness to adapt, innovate, and respond quickly to changing market conditions. Nowadays, sticking to a single proven operating model is no longer enough—success depends on flexibility and the ability to anticipate and react to upcoming challenges and opportunities.

Today’s business environment and the ability to adapt are essential for maintaining success. One of the more difficult decisions, for example, that a telecommunications infrastructure owner might face, is the choice to sell a long-term lease that provides stable but limited monthly income. Although such income may seem steady, there are two significant risks: the operator could cancel the agreement at any time, and low, regular payments don’t provide full control over the asset. This could lead to a complete loss of revenue from this source.

At this point, courage is needed to make the decision to sell and regain control of the resources. Instead of staying in a false sense of stability, selling could allow for better use of capital and offer more freedom in managing the assets. It’s a decision that requires determination but opens the door to new opportunities and greater influence over the future of the business.

Understanding the Dynamics of Change in the Business Environment

The business landscape is changing faster than ever before. Technological progress, globalization, shifting consumer preferences, and market evolution mean that organizations must continuously adapt their strategies, products, and processes to remain competitive. Embracing change has become a necessity in the face of these dynamic forces.

Acceptance of change is more than just reacting to unforeseen events. It also involves a proactive approach to innovation and continuous improvement. Companies that embrace change as an integral part of their organizational culture are better positioned to identify emerging trends and challenges and to adjust their strategies to not only survive but also thrive in the new environment.

The business environment is currently undergoing unprecedented changes, driven by technological advancement, globalization, and the growing complexity of consumer preferences. To fully grasp the scale of this dynamic, it’s worth looking at specific examples and data that illustrate how organizations must adapt their strategies, products, and processes.

Technological Progress and Its Impact on Business

Technology has not only accelerated the pace of change but also fundamentally transformed the way business is conducted. According to a McKinsey report, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated global digitalization processes by 3–4 years in many industries, forcing companies to adapt to remote work, online commerce, and process automation.

One industry experiencing significant technological changes is retail. E-commerce platforms like Amazon have implemented artificial intelligence algorithms that personalize the shopping experience for consumers, greatly enhancing their competitive advantage. As a result, traditional stores have had to adjust their strategies to offer better online services and integrate digital solutions with physical sales points.


  • E-commerce sales in the U.S. grew by 44% in 2020 compared to the previous year.
  • According to IDC (International Data Corporation), global spending on digital transformation is expected to reach USD 2.8 trillion by 2025.

Globalization and Its Importance for Business Adaptation

Globalization tightens relationships between markets and accelerates the exchange of technology, capital, and human resources. Companies looking to succeed in the global market must be able to adapt to diverse cultural, legal, and economic requirements in different regions of the world.

A prime example of global success through flexible adaptation is Tesla. Tesla’s entry into international markets involved adapting to local environmental and political regulations, as well as customer preferences in various countries. Tesla built a factory in China—one of the largest automotive markets in the world—tailoring its products to local conditions. Adjusting its strategy to global realities allowed Tesla to dominate the electric vehicle market worldwide.


  • In 2022, over 28% of Tesla’s revenue came from China, highlighting the importance of adapting to local markets.
  • According to a PwC report, 77% of CEOs worldwide see globalization as a key factor for success in the coming years.

Changing Consumer Preferences

Rising consumer awareness and growing expectations are changing the business landscape on many levels. Consumers increasingly expect personalization, sustainability, and convenience, forcing companies to constantly adapt their offerings and strategies. Modern consumers seek products and services that meet their needs while also aligning with ethical and environmental values.

The sustainability movement is both a challenge and an opportunity for organizations. An example of a company that has capitalized on this trend is Nestlé. The company has been introducing more plant-based products and has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Nestlé is also working toward sustainable agriculture, supporting small farmers, and reducing water usage in its production processes, which aligns with global consumer expectations for planet-friendly products.

Another example is Adidas, which introduced a line of shoes and clothing made from recycled materials, such as ocean plastics. Adidas also launched the “Futurecraft Loop” program, based on fully recyclable shoes, highlighting the brand’s commitment to reducing resource waste and environmental impact.

In the food industry, Beyond Meat has become a leader in producing plant-based meat alternatives. Responding to growing consumer interest in plant-based diets and the need to reduce the environmental impact of animal farming, Beyond Meat is gaining popularity in international markets. The company’s products are in increasing demand due to their ability to meet consumers’ expectations for sustainable food alternatives.

Finally, in the fashion sector, Stella McCartney is a pioneer in sustainable clothing production. The company consistently avoids using leather and fur in its collections, introducing innovative eco-friendly materials like “Mylo”—a synthetic leather made from mycelium. Stella McCartney actively supports responsible fashion, resonating with consumers seeking ethical and sustainable options in the fashion industry.

All of these examples show that adapting to changing consumer preferences requires long-term actions and innovations from companies. Sustainability, transparency, and flexibility in tailoring offerings to new expectations are key to gaining a competitive advantage in an increasingly conscious market.


  • Deloitte research shows that 55% of consumers worldwide are willing to pay more for products and services that offer sustainable solutions.
  • By 2025, it is expected that 75% of manufacturing companies will implement sustainability strategies to meet market expectations.

Acceptance of Change as a Proactive Approach to Innovation

Embracing change is not just about reacting to events but also proactively seeking new opportunities. Companies that innovate do not only respond to current market needs but also anticipate future demands and challenges.

An example of proactive adaptation is Netflix, which transformed from a traditional DVD rental company into a global streaming platform. Netflix not only adapted to changing technologies but also outpaced its competitors by predicting the rise of on-demand content. By investing in original productions and new technologies (such as algorithm-based content personalization), Netflix has become one of the global leaders in its industry.


  • The number of Netflix subscribers grew from 22.93 million in 2011 to over 230 million in 2023, showcasing the success of its innovative adaptation strategy.
  • More than 70% of the content watched on Netflix is selected through algorithmic recommendations, highlighting the importance of modern technologies.

Understanding the dynamics of change in the business environment and the readiness to accept them are crucial for the survival and growth of companies today. Technology, globalization, and shifting consumer preferences require companies to be flexible, innovative, and capable of quick responses. Organizations that proactively embrace change as part of their strategy have a better chance of success in the rapidly evolving business landscape.

Innovation as a Core Value in the Process of Accepting Change

One of the main components of accepting change is the willingness to innovate. Companies that are open to new ideas and approaches can introduce innovations that not only meet current market needs but also outpace their competition. Innovation often extends beyond technology—it also encompasses changes in business models, operational processes, and methods of communication with customers.

Even small innovations can lead to significant changes in how an organization operates. For example, the adoption of modern technological tools that automate routine processes allows employees to focus on tasks that require creativity and strategic thinking. Such openness to technological change enables companies to increase their efficiency and adapt to growing market demands.

Innovation is one of the key values that align with the process of accepting change within organizations. Companies that prioritize openness to new ideas and approaches are able to introduce solutions that stay ahead of the competition and meet the needs of the modern market. Innovation is not limited to implementing new technologies but also includes changes in business models, operational processes, and ways of communicating with customers.

Technological Innovation and Productivity

An example of the implementation of innovative technological solutions that significantly improve organizational efficiency is the use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries. Automation allows companies to reduce operational costs and increase employee productivity by transferring routine, repetitive tasks to automated systems.

A notable example is Amazon, a pioneer in warehouse automation. The introduction of robots in Amazon’s logistics centers has reduced order processing times and lowered operational costs. Warehouse automation also enables the company to quickly respond to increased demand, which was crucial during the surge in orders during the pandemic.

Automation in Amazon’s logistics centers relies on advanced robotic systems, such as Kiva robots, which transport goods within warehouses, optimizing space and speeding up packaging processes. These solutions not only reduce the time needed to fulfill orders but also allow for more efficient human resource management—employees can focus on tasks that require more advanced skills, which increases productivity and the company’s operational flexibility.

Amazon does not stop at its current solutions, continuously investing in technology development. One example is the testing of AI-based systems that forecast demand for specific products in different regions, enabling better inventory management and minimizing delivery delays. Thanks to automation, the company can maintain a high level of customer service even during peak shopping periods, such as seasonal sales or Black Friday.

The introduction of automation has also brought benefits in the area of sustainability. Increased operational efficiency allows for reduced energy consumption in warehouses and lower carbon emissions, aligning with the company’s long-term plans to reduce its carbon footprint. Amazon also plans to introduce autonomous delivery vehicle fleets, which could revolutionize the entire logistics sector in the future.

At the same time, the development of automation at Amazon opens a broad discussion about the future of the labor market. While automation accelerates processes and increases efficiency, it raises concerns about replacing workers with machines. Amazon strives to minimize these concerns by implementing retraining programs for its employees, enabling them to develop in more advanced areas such as technology management, data analysis, or process engineering.


  • Amazon employs over 520,000 robots in its distribution centers, significantly increasing logistical efficiency and reducing order fulfillment times.
  • A PwC report indicated that by 2030, automation could increase global productivity by 14%, contributing to global economic growth.

Innovations in Business Models

Innovation goes beyond technology and also includes changes in business models. Airbnb is an example of a company that revolutionized the hospitality industry by creating a platform that connects hosts with tourists, enabling short-term rentals of private homes. The company not only utilized technology to create an online platform but also introduced an innovative business model that changed the way people travel and rent accommodations.

This innovative business model allowed Airbnb to grow and became a model for other companies in the sharing economy sector, such as Uber. Both companies did not own traditional assets, like a fleet of vehicles or hotels, but through their innovative business models, they dominated their markets.


  • Airbnb’s revenue in 2021 reached $5.9 billion, a 77% increase compared to the previous year, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
  • Platforms in the sharing economy sector, such as Airbnb and Uber, are estimated to generate $335 billion in revenue globally by 2025.

Innovations in Operational Processes

Another example of innovation in operational processes is the changes in production and logistics management. Lean manufacturing, popularized by Toyota, is one of the most well-known innovative approaches to optimizing production processes. The goal of this method is to minimize waste, maximize efficiency, and continuously improve processes. By implementing lean manufacturing, Toyota gained a competitive advantage in the automotive market.

Additionally, many companies like Zara adapt their operational processes to changing fashion trends to shorten production cycles and respond more quickly to shifting consumer preferences. Zara uses the “fast fashion” model, which allows for the production of clothes in small batches, enabling new collections to reach the market quickly. This enables the company to compete effectively by offering customers the latest trends in a shorter time frame.


  • Zara can bring a new collection to market within 15 days, a significant advantage over competitors, whose production processes often take several months.
  • According to Deloitte research, companies that have implemented lean manufacturing can increase production efficiency by up to 30%, and their profits grow by an average of 10% annually.

Innovations in Customer Communication

Changing consumer preferences are forcing companies to innovate in the area of communication. Today, customers expect personalized experiences, and companies must adjust their marketing strategies to meet these expectations.

One of the most innovative tools companies use to personalize communication is artificial intelligence and machine learning. An example is Spotify, which uses AI algorithms to personalize playlists for its users. By analyzing music preferences, Spotify can deliver content tailored to individual tastes, increasing customer engagement.


  • 35% of the music listened to on Spotify comes from algorithm recommendations, demonstrating how innovative personalization approaches boost user engagement.
  • According to Gartner research, by 2025, over 80% of customer interactions with companies will be automated, highlighting the growing importance of automation and personalization in communication.

Innovation as a value embedded in the process of accepting change is a key element of organizational success in a dynamically changing business environment. Openness to new technologies, changes in business models, operational processes, and ways of communicating with customers allows companies not only to meet challenges but also to outpace the competition. Organizations that embrace innovation as an integral part of their strategy are better prepared to adapt in a changing world and gain an edge in the market.

Flexibility and Readiness to Change Strategies

Accepting change does not only involve innovation and technology. Organizations must be ready to introduce changes in their structures, management models, and operational strategies. The ability to change strategy in the face of new challenges is a crucial element of success. Organizations that are not afraid to make strategic changes are better equipped to handle changing market conditions.

Flexibility, the ability to quickly adapt to new situations, is one of the most important assets in today’s business world. It requires not only openness from leaders but also cooperation and trust between different teams within the organization. When a company is flexible, it can quickly implement changes in its operations, resulting in greater competitiveness and efficiency.

In a dynamically changing business environment, flexibility and readiness to change strategy are essential traits for organizations that want to survive and thrive. The ability to quickly respond to challenges, transform management models, and adjust operations is a key factor in competitiveness today. Companies that can be flexible are better prepared for changing market conditions and can take advantage of emerging opportunities.

Flexibility in Responding to Crises

One of the best examples of how flexibility and the readiness to change strategy can save a company is the reaction of many organizations to the COVID-19 pandemic. McDonald’s had to adjust its operations, closing restaurants in many countries during lockdowns. The company quickly shifted its strategy, focusing on home delivery and online orders. Thanks to investments in digital technologies and mobile platforms, McDonald’s increased its delivery revenues by 50% in 2020.

Similarly, Nike also quickly adapted its sales strategy during the pandemic. When physical stores closed, Nike focused on developing online channels and digital promotions. The shift to e-commerce helped Nike increase online sales by 82% in the second quarter of 2020, offsetting the drop in physical store sales.


  • According to McKinsey, over 75% of companies accelerated their digitalization efforts in 2020 in response to the pandemic, demonstrating how crises can drive rapid strategic changes.
  • Forrester research indicates that companies that successfully adapted their strategies to the new digital reality saw an average revenue increase of 17% in 2020.

Flexibility in Adapting to New Technologies

Organizations that can quickly adapt to technological breakthroughs gain a competitive advantage. One example is Microsoft, which underwent a major transformation under Satya Nadella’s leadership. The company shifted its strategy to focus on cloud computing instead of solely relying on software licensing. This change allowed Microsoft to become a leader in cloud services, with its cloud revenue growing steadily—in 2021, Azure’s revenue increased by 50%.

Flexibility in adapting to new technologies allowed Microsoft to rebuild its market position, and cloud computing is now one of the company’s most important business pillars.


  • Microsoft’s cloud service revenue in 2021 reached $59.5 billion, a 22% increase compared to the previous year.
  • Gartner predicts that by 2025, 85% of large organizations will be using cloud services, highlighting the critical importance of this technology in future business strategies.

Collaboration Between Teams and Building a Culture of Trust

The flexibility of an organization relies on the ability to collaborate between teams and build a culture of trust. When teams have a common goal and open communication, the organization can introduce changes more quickly and effectively.

An example is Spotify, which uses the “tribes and squads” model. In this model, the company divides its teams into smaller, autonomous groups responsible for specific projects, enabling flexibility and faster innovation. Each “squad” operates like a miniature company within the organization, allowing for quick decision-making and the testing of new solutions.


  • Spotify implemented the “tribes and squads” model, which allowed the company to increase innovation and reduce the time to deliver new features to users by 40%.
  • Research by Harvard Business Review indicates that organizations promoting cross-team collaboration are 35% more likely to successfully implement changes and innovations.


Flexibility and readiness to change strategies are among the most important factors that determine the success of organizations today. Companies must be capable of quickly responding to crises, adapting to new technologies, changing management models, and building trust and collaboration between teams. Flexibility allows companies not only to survive in difficult conditions but also to seize new market opportunities and outperform the competition. Organizations that can effectively change their strategies will be better prepared for future challenges and shifts in the global business landscape.

Proactive Approach to Challenges and Opportunities

Accepting change also means taking a proactive approach to upcoming challenges. Organizations must not only react to changing environments but also actively seek new growth opportunities. A proactive approach includes continuously monitoring the market, identifying trends and opportunities, and preparing for unforeseen changes such as regulatory shifts, new technologies, or changing consumer preferences.

Companies that are proactive often capitalize on emerging opportunities faster than their competition, allowing them to gain a market advantage. For example, quickly launching new products or services that address changing customer needs or entering new markets before other players in the industry can.

A proactive approach to challenges and opportunities is an essential element of modern business strategies. Embracing change cannot merely be a reaction to external impulses—it also involves actively seeking new growth opportunities and monitoring future trends. Companies that take a proactive approach can better prepare for upcoming changes and outpace competitors by introducing innovative solutions faster than others.

Proactivity in Technological Change

Companies that foresee emerging technological changes in advance can effectively adapt their strategies and gain an advantage. A prime example is Apple, which has been outpacing its competition for years by introducing technological innovations that not only meet current customer needs but also shape future trends. When Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007, it not only responded to the growing interest in smartphones but also defined the entire segment of mobile technology.

This proactive approach to change allowed Apple to become one of the leaders in innovative solutions, and the company’s products continuously set industry standards.


  • The iPhone, launched in 2007, reached sales of 1.5 billion units by 2022, illustrating the effectiveness of Apple’s innovation strategy.
  • According to IDC, Apple held an 18% global market share in smartphones in 2022, making it one of the industry leaders, despite the higher prices of its products compared to competitors.

Early Entry into New Markets

Proactive companies that enter new markets ahead of time often gain an advantage over their competition. Tesla is an example of such a strategy, as one of the first automotive companies to focus on electric vehicle production. Instead of waiting for the market to mature, Tesla began introducing innovative solutions in the electric vehicle segment much earlier than traditional car manufacturers.

This proactivity gave Tesla a significant market advantage. While most automotive companies were just beginning to invest in electric mobility, Tesla was already recognized as an industry leader, and its brand became synonymous with innovative solutions in technology and sustainability.


  • In 2021, Tesla sold over 936,000 vehicles, an 87% increase compared to the previous year.
  • Tesla controlled 14% of the global electric vehicle market in 2022, outpacing many traditional car manufacturers.

Proactive Monitoring of Consumer Trends

Companies that proactively monitor changing consumer preferences can respond more quickly to those shifts and adjust their products and marketing strategies. Coca-Cola is an example of a company that continuously monitors its customers’ preferences and introduces new products in response to the growing interest in healthy lifestyles. In response to the increased demand for lower-sugar beverages, Coca-Cola launched products like Coca-Cola Zero Sugar and other lower-calorie options.

Coca-Cola’s proactive approach to adjusting its product portfolio to changing consumer expectations has allowed it to maintain its leadership position in the beverage market, even as more consumers turn away from sugary drinks in favor of healthier alternatives.


  • Coca-Cola Zero Sugar saw a 4.9% increase in sales in 2020, despite the overall decline in global soda consumption.
  • PwC research shows that 50% of global consumers place great importance on health and wellness, which forces companies to proactively adjust their offerings.

Proactivity in Regulatory Changes

Regulatory changes can be both a challenge and an opportunity for companies that foresee upcoming shifts and take steps to adapt. A prime example of such proactivity is Maersk, a global leader in shipping and logistics. Predicting the tightening of greenhouse gas emissions regulations in the transport sector, Maersk invested heavily in technologies and solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of its fleet.

In response to planned regulations by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which aim to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 50% by 2050, Maersk decided to introduce ships powered by climate-neutral fuels, such as bio-methanol and ammonia. The company not only invested in developing new propulsion technologies but also in programs aimed at optimizing shipping routes, saving fuel, and reducing emissions.

Maersk was the first company in the industry to announce plans to achieve full carbon neutrality by 2040, outpacing industry regulations and demonstrating that a proactive approach can yield benefits such as better market positioning and greater attractiveness to sustainability-conscious customers.


  • Maersk invested $1.4 billion in developing a carbon-neutral fleet by 2022.
  • Planned IMO regulations to reduce CO2 emissions in the shipping sector pose a challenge for the entire industry, but Maersk, thanks to its proactive stance, is already well-prepared to meet them.

Maersk’s example shows that early adaptation to upcoming regulatory changes allows companies to not only avoid the risk of penalties and delays but also gain a competitive edge in a market increasingly valuing sustainability commitments.

A proactive approach to challenges and opportunities is an essential element of the strategy for organizations seeking to gain a competitive advantage and survive in a dynamically changing business environment. Companies that proactively monitor trends, introduce innovations, and quickly respond to changing market and regulatory conditions gain a significant edge over their competition. Proactivity means being ready to adapt and open to new opportunities, which, in the long run, can determine a company’s success.

Maintaining Competitiveness Through Acceptance of Change

Organizations that embrace change remain relevant and competitive in dynamic markets. The ability to quickly adapt to new conditions allows companies to avoid stagnation and maintain an edge over competitors. Businesses that fail to adapt to a changing world often lose their position because they are unable to meet new customer expectations or respond to industry shifts.

Acceptance of change gives a company an advantage by enabling it to quickly respond to challenges and seize new opportunities. In the fast-paced business world, where change is inevitable, the ability to adapt becomes a key factor for survival and success.

Organizations that accept change not only adapt to the changing environment but also gain a competitive edge. In today’s business world, characterized by rapid technological progress, shifting consumer preferences, and globalization, the ability to flexibly respond to new challenges is crucial. Companies that reject change or respond too slowly often lose their competitiveness and may be overtaken by more innovative players. Thus, embracing change is essential for maintaining market position and achieving long-term growth.

Acceptance of Change in the Technology Industry – The Case of IBM

An example of a company that successfully adapted to changing market conditions is IBM. Once a dominant player in the computer hardware market, IBM recognized that the future lay in service-based IT technology. Instead of sticking to its former personal computer production business, the company shifted its strategy towards providing IT solutions, cloud services, and consulting.

This change allowed IBM to remain competitive in the technology market by offering modern solutions and moving away from sectors that were no longer profitable. The company became a leader in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, enabling it to survive and thrive in the new digital world.


  • IBM reported a 19% increase in cloud service revenue in 2021, accounting for 36% of the company’s total revenue.
  • IBM is one of the leaders in the global cloud services market, which, according to Gartner, is expected to reach $482 billion by 2025.

Failure to Accept Change – The Case of Nokia

An example of a company that failed to accept change quickly enough is Nokia. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Nokia was the leader in the mobile phone market, controlling as much as 40% of it. However, the company did not respond fast enough to the growing trend of smartphones and the revolution sparked by Apple’s introduction of the iPhone in 2007. Nokia stuck with its traditional operating system instead of adapting to changing consumer expectations and innovating in software and touchscreen technology.

As a result, the company lost its dominant market position, and its share in the smartphone segment rapidly declined. Despite efforts to recover, Nokia could not catch up with the competition and ultimately sold its mobile division to Microsoft.


  • Nokia’s smartphone market share dropped from 50% in 2007 to just 3% in 2013.
  • In 2014, Nokia sold its mobile phone division to Microsoft for $7.2 billion, marking the symbolic end of its dominance in the industry.

Benefits of Accepting Change in the Automotive Industry – The Case of General Motors

In the automotive industry, accepting technological and regulatory changes is becoming crucial, especially in the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). General Motors (GM), one of the largest car manufacturers in the world, decided to switch to producing only electric vehicles by 2035. The company not only recognized the changing trends in the automotive industry but also proactively embraced new environmental regulations and growing consumer expectations for sustainability.

GM’s decision to quickly adapt to upcoming changes, such as the rising popularity of EVs and regulations limiting emissions, has allowed the company to remain competitive and prepare for the future.


  • General Motors plans to invest $35 billion by 2025 in the development of electric and autonomous vehicles.
  • The global electric vehicle market is expected to reach $802 billion by 2027, positioning GM advantageously thanks to its proactive acceptance of industry changes.


The acceptance of change is essential for companies to maintain their competitiveness in dynamic markets. Organizations that can quickly respond to changing conditions avoid stagnation and gain an edge over the competition. Examples of companies like IBM, Tesla, Amazon, and General Motors show that the ability to adapt, innovate, and proactively respond to market and technological changes is a key factor for success in today’s business world. Companies that fail to accept change risk losing their market position, as demonstrated by the history of Nokia.

Acceptance of change is one of the most important values for modern organizations, reflecting their ability to adapt, innovate, and remain flexible. In the face of a rapidly changing business landscape, organizations must be ready to implement changes in their strategies and processes to stay competitive and thrive in dynamic conditions. Only companies that embrace change as an integral part of their culture can achieve long-term success.

In the fast-changing business world, adaptation and acceptance of change are key elements that allow companies to remain competitive and survive in an evolving environment. Regardless of the industry, organizations must be prepared to adapt to new technological, market, and regulatory realities. However, not every change is easy to accept, especially when a company enjoys stable, monthly income.

This situation often occurs for telecommunications infrastructure owners, who treat the long-term rental of their assets as a source of continuous income. The idea of “endless” revenue can create a false sense of security, especially when lease agreements have been stable for many years. However, these asset owners often face a difficult decision—whether to sell the infrastructure for a one-time, significant sum or remain in a system of regular, but small payments, which do not provide full control over the assets.

Two key factors may influence this decision: the operator can immediately terminate the lease agreement, leaving the owner without revenue, and while monthly payments are stable, they often do not allow real management of the asset or full utilization of its potential. In such a situation, accepting change becomes inevitable—the need to take full control of the asset, even at the cost of giving up the convenience of stable, though small, income, requires courage and strategic vision.


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